Progressive Web Application Examples

Can Upgrading Your Website Create Better More Cost Effective Engagements Than Native Apps and Traditional Websites?

Progressive web applications keep growing in popularity as more companies adopt the approach to engaging clients online. So who are some of these companies and what benefits have they seen by upgrading their websites to PWAs?

Can these early adopters be the reference you need to pull the trigger to upgrade your website or replace that expensive mobile app no one downloads?

It is one thing to just use HTTPS, add a web manifest file and register a simple service worker. Making a successful progressive web application takes planning and intentional effort. You must decide what are some key performance indicators you measure your improvements. And has anyone else seen improvements with the same measurements?

Maybe someone in your niche has expanded their market share or profitability after upgrading to a PWA and you want to know how.

I will review a series of brands that have adopted progressive web application features and what changes they have experienced. This will cover quite a range of online properties, maybe someone you are competing against or might use as a reference for your business.

Tinder is a popular Millennial online dating service. This demographic skews heavily toward mobile only usage. In fact their trademark is swiping left or right to show interest in a potential match.

The online dating platform decided to create a progressive web application experience to attract new markets. They also sought to maintain 1:1 feature parity with the existing native application.

Their initial reports indicate great success. I think the key takeaways from the KPI list are higher engagement rates and not an overly expensive development cycle. I do not know how many engineers were involved in the project, so I can't say if 3 months is a good or bad time frame.

Key KPI's

  • App Size 10% of Native App
  • 3 Month Development Cycle
  • Users swipe more on web than their native apps
  • Users message more on web than their native apps
  • Users purchase on par with native apps
  • Users edit profiles more on web than on their native apps
  • Session times are longer on web than their native apps
Starbucks PWA Experience

The coffee retail giant wanted to reach its customers with a rich, mobile first experience.

At the same time they also chose to adopt AMP to gain additional mobil search exposure. The result was immediate improvements to important engagement statistics.

Key KPI's

  • 99.84% smaller than the 148MB size of the mobile iOS app
  • Faster than Legacy Native App
  • Offline Ordering Experience
  • Designed not only to have feature par
  • Users launch the PWA from their homescreen an average of 4 times a day
  • Users edit profiles more on web than on their native apps
  • Session times are longer on web than their native apps

Twitter is one of the largest social media experts with hundreds of millions of monthly tweeters. The social media giant was founded as a mobile-first experience.

Being at the for front of the mobile revolution Twitter has always had a strong native application presence. But as with all fads they eventually fade and their cracks show. For Twitter it was becoming more difficult to attract new users in emerging markets where bandwidth and mobile devices are limited.

Progressive web applications created a new channel for them to leverage websites without sacrificing mobile features like push notifications. Their goal was to create feature parity with existing mobile applications. Since launching their PWA Twitter continues to improve the experience and is in the process of fazing out their native applications with their progressive web application.

Key KPI's

  • 65% Increase in Pages/Session
  • 20% Bounce Rate Decrease
  • 75% increase in Tweets sent
  • Less than 3% of the Required Storage of the Native App
  • Users launch the PWA from their homescreen an average of 4 times a day
  • Users edit profiles more on web than on their native apps
  • Session times are longer on web than their native apps

The international business publication knew they needed to change their online approach to attract and keep new readers. While most online news destinations seem ot be trending toward lower user experiences, especially slower and slower render times, Forbes decided it needed to go a different direction by upgrading to a progressive web application.

At the same time they also chose to adopt AMP to gain additional mobile search exposure. The result was immediate improvements to important engagement statistics.

Key KPI's

  • 65% Increase in Pages/Session
  • 20% Bounce Rate Decrease
  • 75% increase in Tweets sent
  • Less than 3% of the Required Storage of the Native App
  • Users launch the PWA from their homescreen an average of 4 times a day
  • Users edit profiles more on web than on their native apps
  • Session times are longer on web than their native apps
New PWA Experience

Hulu recently upgraded their desktop web experience to a Progressive Web Application. Not only did they refresh the user interface, the site now loads faster after the first visit due to strategic asset caching.

By qualifying as a PWA, Hulu can now be added to the desktop from Chrome, which enables users to launch the application like a stand-alone app.

Hulu also replaced their Windows Store app with the progressive web application. This allows Hulu to eliminate one code base they have to develop and maintain.

They chose to leverage Workbox as a service worker caching library. by doing so they were able to abstract complex caching rules to a more common implementation they can build as they collect real user telemetry.

Hulu PWA
Pets Love PWA

What's better than the affection of your pet? That's right a progressive web application pets store!

The Brazilian Pets Love website wanted to reduce abandoned carts and increase sales. They decided to take advantage of new web platform features to allow customers to sign into their site on one device and continue sessions on another.

This change reduced their abandoned cart problems and improved sales.

Since they were upgrading their website they decided to make it a progressive web application. This added additional benefits to their experience that have paid additional dividends.

Their PWA is a fraction of the size their mobile app was and could work offline. This is important since many of their customers connect using 2G and 3G networks.

Key KPI's

  • Reduced Abandoned Carts
  • Reduced Signin Friction
  • One Ttap Signin to Transition Between Devices/Platforms
  • 2x More Users in Checkout Flow
  • 2.8x Increase in Conversion
  • 2.7x Time Spent On Site
  • 8x Smaller Than Native App

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